
Cockburn Sound modelling framework

Discover the Cockburn Sound project in Western Australia, where our innovative framework incorporating the BMT DEEP data platform and TUFLOW modelling software supports informed decisions, sustainable development, and enhanced environmental stewardship in this ecologically and commercially valuable region.

22 May 2024


Cockburn Sound modelling framework

Creating an Environmental Information Model (EIM) for Cockburn Sound represents a pivotal initiative to address the complexities of environmental modelling and maritime infrastructure development within a sensitive marine ecosystem. Located in Western Australia, Cockburn Sound is a body of water with significant ecological, commercial, and recreational value. This area has been facing challenges related to environmental sustainability, maritime development, and the need for comprehensive management strategies to mitigate ecological impacts while promoting sustainable use.


Customers' challenges

The primary challenge for our customers, which include industry, government and environmental organisations, revolves around the need for advanced environmental modelling to accurately predict and manage the impacts of maritime infrastructure development and climate change on Cockburn Sound's marine ecosystem. These stakeholders required our expertise to develop a modelling framework capable of addressing the multifaceted aspects of marine environmental management, such as water quality, habitat preservation, and the sustainable development of maritime infrastructure.

Solutions and customers benefits

Our work on the Cockburn Sound EIM has been incredibly rewarding. Collaborating with the Western Australian Marine Science Institute and the University of Western Australia, we set new standards for environmental impact assessment, ensuring sustainable development for years to come - Louise Bruce, Senior Principal Consultant

Our approach delivers multiple benefits to our clients:

Informed decision-making: By offering detailed projections of environmental impacts under various scenarios, we empower stakeholders to make well-informed decisions regarding infrastructure development, ensuring a balance between ecological integrity and development needs.

Sustainable development guidance: The insights gained from our modelling framework guide stakeholders towards sustainable development practices, minimising adverse ecological impacts while promoting Cockburn Sound's economic and recreational opportunities.

Enhanced environmental stewardship: We provide the tools necessary for our customers to proactively manage and mitigate potential environmental risks associated with maritime development, reinforcing their commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable use of marine resources.

Service and expertise provided

We leverage our extensive expertise in marine ecology, environmental science, and maritime engineering to create a comprehensive modelling solution, including:

  • Environmental impact assessment: Detailed analysis of potential impacts on the ecosystem from proposed maritime infrastructure projects.

  • Modelling: Development of various scenarios to understand the potential outcomes of different development pathways and management practices.

  • Stakeholder engagement: Facilitating discussions with local communities, governmental bodies, and environmental organizations to align project objectives with ecological sustainability and community needs.


The innovative approach of the Cockburn Sound EIM lies in its integration of advanced environmental modelling techniques with stakeholder engagement processes. By combining detailed ecological data with cutting-edge simulation technology, we are able to offer a predictive tool that goes beyond traditional environmental impact assessments. This proactive approach allows for the identification of sustainable development pathways that minimise ecological disruption while supporting the economic and recreational use of Cockburn Sound.

Moreover, the project's emphasis on collaborative stakeholder engagement ensure that the modelling framework reflects the concerns and priorities of all parties involved. This holistic approach to environmental management and maritime infrastructure development sets a new standard for similar projects globally.

The Cockburn Sound EIM highlights our commitment to advancing sustainable maritime development through innovative environmental modelling and stakeholder collaboration. By addressing the complex challenges faced by Cockburn Sound, we have significantly contributed to the development of sustainable management practices that ensure the long-term ecological health of this vital marine ecosystem. ​

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