
Sunshine Coast Airport Expansion Climate Change Impact Assessment

BMT conducted a climate change impact assessment as part of comprehensive Environmental Impact Statement process for the Sunshine Coast Airport Expansion.


Client: Sunshine Coast Airport

BMT conducted a climate change impact assessment as part of comprehensive Environmental Impact Statement process for the Sunshine Coast Airport Expansion.  The project involved the construction of a new runway (able to accommodate Boeing 787 aircraft), taxiways and apron infrastructure within the Sunshine Coast Airport site which is a low lying heath environment that is bounded by the Maroochy River as well as the open coast at Marcoola Beach.  

Outcomes and Benefits

The climate change impact assessment was used to inform the design and fill height of the new runway as well as to understand the current and future climate implications for the operation of the new infrastructure.  The assessment was accepted by the Governments as part of the EIS process and continues to guide the operation of the new facility.    

Services and Expertise Provided

The climate change impact assessment examined the predicted changes and trends for climate for the local Sunshine Coast region, using predictions and projects published nationally as well as State and local guidance.  Current risks from overland flooding and storm tide risk (flooding from the sea) were mapped for the project and then revised to incorporate future conditions as affected by sea level rise and an increase in storm intensity.

These future hazard areas were then overlaid over the design footprint and proposed design elevation levels of the runway to determine the extent to which the hazards may pose a future risk to operations.   Consideration was also given to the increase risk of bushfire affecting flight operations and increases in ambient temperature as well as the incidence of extreme temperature days.

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