Conducting an exploration activities both routine activities or non-routine in oil and gas field will affect the surrounding environment. Oil and gas company in Indonesia has the obligation to carry out environmental management programs in environmental monitoring in accordance with the environmental permits that have been obtained. One of the environmental monitoring conducted is monitoring coral reefs.
We assisted Chevron Indonesia Company to undertake the coral reef monitoring in North Area around the islands in Bontang Regency and Tanjung Santan in Kutai Kartanegara Regency. Location of coral reef data collection in the North Area includes 17 points where 15 points are in Bontang Regency while 2 points are located in Tanjung Santan, Kutai Kartanegara Regency.
The coral data collection method uses line transects used to describe the structure of coral communities by looking at live coral cover, dead coral, substrate forms (sand, mud), algae and the presence of other biota.
Furthermore, the data obtained were analyzed to obtain the percentage of coral cover at the study site. Methods for collecting reef fish data at locations were collected using a visual survey method with belt transects. The transect at the data collection location is spread along 50 m parallel to the coast.
In contrast to coral reef data collection, reef fish data collection is done by transect observation with 2.5 m pseudo line right and left transect line. The data obtained were then analyzed to find out the target fish at the coral reef location as an indicator of productivity and health of the coral reef.
The ‘Draft Pacific Coral Reef Action Plan 2020-2030' provides guidance for SPREP, SPREP members, coral reef manages and community members for a joint coordinated effort towards protecting coral reefs
We have been engaged by Water Corporation since 2011 to oversee this multidimensional marine quality monitoring program.
We were engaged by Fremantle Ports to develop and implement the marine monitoring program required to assess and manage the potential impacts from dredging and reclamation works.
BMT conducted environment monitoring and laboratory analysis for sample for waste water, mud and cuttings, and cement from existing drilling campaign from client based on regulation, permit, and Indonesia government standards.