We have had a long history of involvement since the mid-1990’s when the project was initially proposed.
We were asked to provide a technical review of the breakwater and dredging aspects of the project and subsequently recommended a number of design improvements to lower the cost and improve technical robustness of the project.
Oakajee Port and Rail were subsequently nominated as the successful proponent by the Western Australian State Government in 2008.
We were appointed as the marine port consultant and our role in the port design included:
We assisted OPR with all aspects of the port marine development from concept design through to the completion of a detailed Bankable Feasibility Study which included detailed design of the all aspects of the port.
We prepared a business plan for the new offshore multi-user port development in Abu Dhabi, involving staged construction of facilities from initial operations in 2010 to full development by 2028.
We carried out comprehensive oceanographic modelling to develop the design conditions at various mooring sites in Dampier port and Mermaid Sound.
We undertook a wide range of consultancy services for a major development of the Esperance Port, which involved planning, design and full project management of the port upgrade.
With improved port capacity and quality available at Shenzhen and other Pearl River Delta ports, as well as the increasing competitiveness of supporting services such as ship management, ship finance and maritime arbitration in Shanghai and Singapore, Hong Kong will need to improve and evolve port and maritime services to increase market share in future years.