

A mine warfare and hydrographic ship for the unmanned and information-dominated era.


A mine warfare and hydrographic ship for the unmanned and information-dominated era.


Working with mine warfare and autonomous systems industry leaders and operators from several navies, we established a range of operational concepts to clear a minefield or hunt individual mines; the spectrum was broken down into four separate concepts of operation:

The VENARI-85 configuration meets the challenges of modern and future mine warfare while delivering wider roles within a navy. Key features include:


The inherent features of VENARI-85 provide a wider capability to a navy.

The large working deck, mission equipment garage, flight deck and hangar, and the platform’s stability and self-defence capability are employable in roles beyond mine warfare.

The survivability features of the design are critical to modern mine warfare operations and enable the platform to be deployed in a variety of locations and in a higher threat environment than is possible with an OPV without accepting substantial levels of operational and safety risk.

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