Senior Principal Consultant
Linden is a Senior Principal Coastal and Maritime Engineer based in Perth with over 20 years of experience in feasibility, planning and design of ports and maritime facilities.
He has delivered numerous feasibility studies from concept to bankable stage for new ports and port expansions in Western Australia and overseas, providing technical leadership required to integrate diverse studies including analysis and modelling of metocean conditions, development of design conditions, design of maritime structures and navigation channels, dredging and reclamation, harbour tranquillity, ship mooring, ship motion and port operability, simulation of ship navigation, marine traffic risk assessment, and modelling of port logistics. For a recent magnetite transhipment feasibility study, Linden led the development and application of a computer model simulating the integrated logistics of landside processing, materials handling and transhipment operations to evaluate throughput performance, equipment selection and inform project costing.
His experience in design of recreational boating facilities includes development and evaluation of designs and costs for pontoons, boat ramp and jetties, siting studies for new facilities, and investigating the impact of marine traffic wake on moored recreational vessels.
As a specialist in coastal processes, Linden’s experience has been applied to a wide range of measurement and analysis of wave, current and tide data, coastal monitoring, coastal hazard assessment, design of shoreline protection structures, beach nourishment, and dredging and sand bypassing, including planning and management of a range of maintenance dredging projects for the Department of Transport in Western Australia.
Senior Principal Consultant
Linden is a Senior Principal Coastal and Maritime Engineer based in Perth with over 20 years of experience in feasibility, planning and design of ports and maritime facilities.
He has delivered numerous feasibility studies from concept to bankable stage for new ports and port expansions in Western Australia and overseas, providing technical leadership required to integrate diverse studies including analysis and modelling of metocean conditions, development of design conditions, design of maritime structures and navigation channels, dredging and reclamation, harbour tranquillity, ship mooring, ship motion and port operability, simulation of ship navigation, marine traffic risk assessment, and modelling of port logistics. For a recent magnetite transhipment feasibility study, Linden led the development and application of a computer model simulating the integrated logistics of landside processing, materials handling and transhipment operations to evaluate throughput performance, equipment selection and inform project costing.
His experience in design of recreational boating facilities includes development and evaluation of designs and costs for pontoons, boat ramp and jetties, siting studies for new facilities, and investigating the impact of marine traffic wake on moored recreational vessels.
As a specialist in coastal processes, Linden’s experience has been applied to a wide range of measurement and analysis of wave, current and tide data, coastal monitoring, coastal hazard assessment, design of shoreline protection structures, beach nourishment, and dredging and sand bypassing, including planning and management of a range of maintenance dredging projects for the Department of Transport in Western Australia.